Tuesday, March 07, 2006


On tonight’s show we learned WWJD (Who Would Jesus Date). Had an intervention for the Holy Spirit to talk about his drinking problem. Met a police officer with a tendency to blame all murders on Teen Wolf. Had a man explain why he was wearing lingerie in the sun run. A French teacher tried to make a difference in a child’s life. The Grad 2000 class went on a party binge that never ended. And we saw a lot of children’s dolls meet horrible car accident endings in the dubbing of the 1960s safety film “A Seatbelt For Suzie”.

We're off for a few weeks while the Urban Well does renovations. We'll be back April 17th! It'll be big. Very big. There might be cake.

Or not. I can't really promise anything.


Blogger Shaun said...

That was a RGS, although I may be OPIV because I have to admit I was a little OOE since the DMBP meant I wasn't actually PITS so I got started DBAR a little early.

4:30 PM  

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