Loonie Lundi
Until April 10th Urban Improv is presenting Loonie Lundi Mondays at Chivana on West 4th.
It's only a dollar. Yep a buck. One loon. That's all. Full show. 2 hours. One dollar. 50 cents an hour. The best improv talent in the city.
Why so cheap? Well, we could either spend a lot of money on advertising to tell everyone about our temp home until we're back at the Urban Well April 17th or we could just pass the savings onto you, the audience.
You can do the old, "Hey pals, I'll pay for the show if you buy the first round of drinks". Then you pay their $1 admission and get free drink after free drink until you get alcohol poisoning. *
Mondays 9pm Chivana 2340 west 4th
* The BC Liquor Board, Chivana, Urban Well, Urban Improv, and anyone with half a brain advise that you drink responsibly.