Tuesday, January 31, 2006

If you missed our show tonight...

You missed seeing what Oliver Twist would be like if it starred a monkey.
A live dubbing of the 1950's film "What to Do On A Date" (let's just say it involved a double entendre regarding pudding).
An A+B Sound manager learned the true meaning of trust.
A wake for someone who might not be dead.
We learn the many rules for getting into heaven including no toe fungus, no murderers and no fatties.
And Vancouver police spokesperson Anne Drennan has a run in with some very amorous TV boom microphones.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Motivational Poster of the Day

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Well Hung Comedy

If you missed tonight's show at the Well.
You missed our tribute to Roman Danylo's recent eye surgery.
Learning why not buying the right mattress at Sleep Country can give you testicular cancer.
Seeing a man use time travel to have sex with Louis Riel.
Curious George joining a drum circle to fight the war in Iraq.
Penelope Corrin making a very funny radio jingle which I can't really remember now but damn it, it was funny.
Us going on for about 20 minutes longer that we should have.
And some sort of angry scenes about the new Conservative government.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Vote and Laugh

After voting why not come by the Urban Well at 9pm for a few laughs. If the folks who look like they're going to win are going to win, then we'll all need them.


Talk About Vancouver Comedy


There's a new forum for talking about Vancouver comedy. This is the link. If you click on it you will be hypertexed there as if by internet elves.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Attention Cheapskates and Comedy Lovers! Free Canadian Content!

Urban Improv's sketch comedy half brother Canadian Content is doing a comedy showcase this Tuesday along with many other of Vancouver's top sketch comedy groups. Okay, maybe if you Google most of their names nothing comes up but still, I'm sure they're good.
And it's free.
Not that that alone means you should go. Gum on the street is free but you shouldn't chew it.
Why should you go?
Because your taxes pay for the CBC. CBC is holding this showcase. When the CBC offers you something for free it's like getting some of your money back. Like a tax refund.

Here's the info...

ZeD/CBC Television Comedy Showcase
Tuesday, January 17th, 2006
Doors Open at 7pm, Show at 8pm, Free Admission
The Media Club
695 Cambie Street
Vancouver, B.C.

I actually just cut and pasted that info from Assaulted Fish's web site. Those guys have their shit together waaaaaaaaaay more than us. I'm sure they'll be funnier too.


Saturday, January 07, 2006

God Likes Us!

Friday, January 06, 2006

Ethics in Improv

Somebody please explain this to me...because maybe i'm Johnny Retarded, but I just don't get it.

How can an organization like Theatre Sports tell their players that they are not allowed to take gigs from anyone who charges less than them, yet pay their players LESS THAN EVERYONE ELSE!!!

If i have this information wrong and this is NOT a policy of theirs, please enlighten me.

I eagerly await being bitch slapped with knowledge.


Monday, January 02, 2006

First improv of the new year...

Aaaaahhhhhh.....after 37 shows of A Twisted Christmas Carol at The Arts Club Theatre, I'm happy as hell to be out of wigs and bonnets and back on the Urban Improv stage. I think I can say the same for Drew. Though he still enjoys wearing bonnets.

Tonight had a great audience and the show was smashingly fun and confusing. I apparently need to see The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe to keep up with Pearce's newest character, the phylydimide goat man from Narnia.

Here's to another great year of improv at The Well.

