Michael Robinson remembers...
In a debate we're having at www.comedycouch.com/forum in the improv section under New Theatresports Show, Michael Robinson brought up a horrible Urban Improv show he saw once. Here's how he remembers it...
(Drew) endowed (Ian) as a giant piece of poo and then spent 10 minutes shitting you out. Everytime you tried to speak he jammed more poo in your mouth, then he inexplicably became a cross between a scottish pirate and Pearce's fat man character, chanted in latin, and peed himself.
(Drew) endowed (Ian) as a giant piece of poo and then spent 10 minutes shitting you out. Everytime you tried to speak he jammed more poo in your mouth, then he inexplicably became a cross between a scottish pirate and Pearce's fat man character, chanted in latin, and peed himself.