Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Spoiler Alert!

Monday at the Urban Well, one of the items auctioned off for the Children's Wish Foundation was the Comic Book Box of Mystery. It was purchased by a Mr. Patrick Sauriol, an internet media reporter who was once featured in a picture spread for Vanity Fair magazine. Mr. Sauriol is known for publishing pop culture spoilers online. Mr. Sauriol was so pleased with the contents of the box he wanted to thank everyone who made it possible and to let them know Ron dies in the next Harry Potter book, all the people on Lost are part of an experiment and when they deal with their personal issues their deaths are faked and they are freed and in the third act of the new King Kong movie he reveals that he's gay.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

8th Anniversary Jam-O-Rama

Last night's 8th anniversary show was a good time had by all (except for Dwayne but he's going through a lot of personal stuff with his father right now, I really shouldn't get into it here but check out
Too many people to mention came to jam. Diana put together a very cool power point presentation that made everyone very quiet and attentive (there was some laughter too). We aired the three television ads that haven't been seen since they were taken off the air (for Drew's many anti-semetic jokes? The full frontal nudity? Having nothing to do with our show but endorsing heroin? Maybe we'll never know).
Roman conducted the auction and we broke our record for money raised for the Children's Wish Foundation due to a very generous audience of good decent people (who nonetheless laughed at our very dirty scenes).
Thanks for everyone who came.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Young and Old can enjoy Urban Improv!

Monday, November 21, 2005

God is Dead

Tonight at the Well, Ian, Taz, Drew, Randy and Diana investigated the murder of God. At first it seemed like a rich couple killed him to get enough money to buy the Aurora Borealis. But it turned out to be Toot from the old Hercules cartoon.
We saw why you shouldn't have a swearing bartender in an old folks home. A real life game of Operation was performed. A stripper brought her family on stage for a performance. We saw the adventures of a Bar Mitzvah mascot and vistited the most disturbing Orange Julius stand ever.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

If you're a reporter...

If you're a reporter and you're doing an article on a comedy troupe or comedy performer and you think it'd be clever to say at some point that the troupe or person is, "serious about their comedy" or that their "comedy is serious business"...


It's lame. It makes you lame. It makes us lame. It makes the world lamer.

For the Kids Damn It!

Every Monday night for eight years, Vancouver’s hottest comedy troupe “Urban Improv” has entertained packed houses at The Urban Well in Kits, performing a cutting edge style of improv called “The Harold,” made famous in the clubs and theatres of New York, Chicago and L.A.

For this eighth year anniversary party on November 28th, comedy and holiday cheer will be flowing as everyone who’s ever improvised at The Urban Well will be invited down for one big epic night of improv. Proceeds from ticket sales, door prizes, 50/50 draws, bake sales and anything else we can think of will go to The Children’s Wish Foundation. An organization dedicated to fulfilling a favorite wish for children afflicted with a high risk, life-threatening illness. For more info visit:

Friday, November 18, 2005

Does Anyone Read This Shit?

Another great show down at the urban well. David Milkbags brought his new, cute girlfriend to watch the show, so thank Gawd it was not terrible. Too many scenes to remember: a Smart Car with OnStar from Reverso-land, a group therapy scene were Michael finally admitted to Drew that Drew was retarded, Ray asked for a metaphysical conceit -- like a metaphor, and other nonsense. The first half was an extravaganza of fun!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Halloween Show...

Small but sturdy showing for the Halloween show. One audience member dressed up as Kraft Dinner, and first half improviser Alan Morrison dressed up as a pun. Favorite moments include: Audience giving Dan Hirschfield the suggestion of Oscar Wilde and then not laughing at his brilliant impersonation...Drew McCreadie as the worst Millionaire contestant ever...Michael Teigen as Beaker (weird thing hour after the show a guy dressed as Beaker came into the bar...) Roman Danylo regurgitating the 'stool' gag and makng it yet again a brilliantly hilarious scene....and Diana Frances loosing her mind while hosting due to the creepy mask in the front row.