Thursday, August 31, 2006

Which show is which?

People are asking what's the difference between our Canadian Content Fringe show and the Can West Comedy Fest one? The Fringe is an all new show Canadian Mounties Vs. Atomic Invaders with things like the bottom image.

The Can West show is the Best Of Canadian Content with material from our previous Fringe show and the set we did at the Chicago Improv Festival. And there's some new material in there as well. Also we have the musical genius of Geoff Berner opening for us(will the feud between the battling Berner brothers finally end that night?) The top image is from the Best Of show.

So you see the real difference is in one Chris is a dictator and in the other apparently he's a cat or something. I don't know I never pay attention to scenes I'm not in.


Canadian Mounties Vs Atomic Invaders collector picture #12

One Week Until Fringe!

It's one week until we open Canadian Content presents: Canadian Mounties Vs. Atomic Invaders. As for what the show is going to contain, all I can tell you at this point is I'm buying 99 red balloons today, we spent last week filming ourselves jumping out of trees in black masks, Anne Frank might finally get her revenge and I'm building a Megatron outfit.

If that's not enough to get you into the theatre well then we're very different people.

Monday, August 14, 2006


A Canadian Content sketch from the upcoming Canadian Mounties Vs. Atomic Invaders show at the Vancouver Fringe Festival.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

On Notice...