Thursday, September 08, 2005

What happened in the woods.

Vancouver - Ian Boothby, as Ian Boothby.

Toby Berner, improv wunderkind and skateboarding child-at-heart was seen in the woods near UBC yesterday filming scenes for his upcoming Fringe ShowCANADIANN CONTENT. Details of the shoot were very hush hush, as was Berner, who was not approached for comment. Nathan Clark, also present at the shooting, had more to say, commenting, "I can't say what happened but I was there and I did witness it." Ian Boothby, long known for his ability to weave average life into a golden basket of make-believe, had this to say, "This sketch will place Urban Improv clearly across the line." When questioned as to which line, Boothby only made a series of odd noises.